Holidays have kind of come to an end here in the Mansfield home, though Ethan doesn't go back to school until Thursday. Josh went back to work this morning after having a 2 week holiday. You've got to love the amount of holidays school teachers get...12 weeks in a year!!! It's been an interesting, exhausting and exciting 2 weeks for us. In the first week we were all suppose to be on a soccer camp for 1 week but by Tuesday morning I was my way home with 3 sick children. Josh stayed up there as he had responsibilities on camp. It was very tiring and I take my hat off to single parents. We had a few doctors appointments during the week but pretty much stayed at home and rested. On the Thursday of that week I had a VERY EXCITING email arrive...
It's a LONG story so I'll make it short. An owner of a little boutique on the south coast of NSW was shown a few of my cards from one of my customers. She emailed me asking for the largest order of cards I have EVER had. It totally made my week...probably even my YEAR! I was so excited! So this meant that all my cards are GONE! My shelves are bare...

Another thing I've been working on are place cards for my girlfriends wedding. By the end of it I was having cramps in my left hand and had little blisters on the sides of my fingers BUT I loved it all! it's my turn to go to the doctors. Hopefully I can kick this 'thing' before the wedding on Saturday. Josh is the only one who is well-ish so he's been working hard caring for all of us and our home. I love my husband!
Til next time...
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